Monday, November 27, 2006

Um um um ummmm

Not going to dwell on the weekend too much, but man it was one big pig out after another!

Went to U2 concert on Friday night, man it was wicked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On Saturday went and saw Borat the movie... sooo funny! Then on Sunday we tackled the gardens out the back and worked for about 5 hours on it. It was lots of fun, and the backyard and pool is looking great! Good work out for my arms for sure.

So I am back to the meeting tonight, undecided if I am going to use my No Weigh pass this week or just face up to the fact I have probably gained and am back at square one LOL.

Anyway here's to a great week - NoCount style!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Little blip on the radar screen but going fine

Just a small relapse last night.... 4 crumpets and an icecream LOL. But doing ok today. Very hungry this arvo, but only had a small sandwich for lunch. I am helping a work mate with a function tonight so will try very hard to stay away from the nibbles and booze!

Had a look at the next few weeks of my running plan, ye gads I am getting up to running 8 minutes non-stop! But somehow I know it is achievable and I can do it!

Haven't spent much time on the WW Community Boards so will cruise by this afternoon and get some thin-spiration!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Back on Track!

Ok Ok... after a few days of crazy eating and no exercising (I think we all need a blow out from time to time!) I am back on track!

Went shopping yesterday and stocked up on some yummy healthy NoCount food. Got through yesterday without vering off track, just a small treat of a Tropical Snow icecream (1 point) after a soak at the hot pools.

I didn't weigh in last night as I knew it was going to be a disaster, and I didn't want to give myself any excuse for blowing out. So I have given myself this week to loose the weight I must have gained after the week, so I will be really happy if I weigh in next Monday and I am the same weight as last monday :-) And if I loose weight, even better!

Onto the 4th week of Couch to 5k this week. A bit harder, but looking forward to it.

Last night I got home, didn't even bother turning on the TV. Put away the shopping, then straight outside to mow the lawns and weed the gardens. Felt great to do something around the house. Then cooked a BBQ for dinner, and we ate at the table with no TV on - just us :-) It was fantastic, we had a great converstation we prob wouldn't have had if the TV was on. Going to try and get through tonight without it again :-)

Ok onto a run at lunchtime!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Grumpy Monster has come out to play....

and it ain't pretty!!!!!

Yep we all have shocker days at work hey. To make matters worse it's our big xmas party this Saturday and I am the chairperson of the committee so I am feeling a tad STRESSED this week, because it looks like rain, and part of our party is outside. Why why why. God, are you there? Please give us a break and send down some sunny rays!

Had a kinda shocker food wise... well the good thing is now when I talk about shockers it is a bit of cheese on bread, or another glass of wine.. not like the old days when a shocker was 2 steak and cheese pies, a bag of corn chips and the rest! Got home yesterday after a horrible afternoon at work, and stopped off at the store and got a bottle of wine, and had 4 glasses. I tell ya what I regret it, because I felt really sick.. .like my body just didn't handle the alcohol. Then because I was tiddly I had two cheese buns with marg and extra cheese inside. Ahhh.

It was raining this morning so I didn't go for a run, but left work today feeling sick and tried running this afternoon to see if it would make me feel better. Man it wiped me out! I still feel a bit yucky.

Anyway enough ranting and moaning. I think I am going to use my no weigh pass next Monday, just to give me a break emotionally after this big week. I really really want to get to my first goal of 2kg, so running most days I think is a good way to get there. It seemed to help out last week? 700 grms was a surprise for me considering how I was eating and drinking.

Man am I crazy or what for starting back at WW just before the Xmas holidays! LOL>

Monday, November 13, 2006


Yeeeha! After stressing all weekend I had done myself in, wasn't going to loose, voila! I lost 700grms. It was so funny, I try not to look at what I lost while getting weighed, wait until I sit down at the meeting or get in my car. Was walking back to my car and thought it read 100 grms lost, but it was 700! I nearly dropped my book. Had a HUGE smile on my face, and even did the cliche punch the air.

Got up at 5.45am this morning to start week 3 of training. It was good fun, so nice to be up at that time and breathing in early morning fresh air. So quiet, and peaceful. Good time to stop the crazy non-stop noise in one's head and chill out.

I have a full on week this week, so I need to make sure I eat good, exercise lots, drink my water and get some early nights.

Peace out :-)

Sunday, November 12, 2006

So-so Weekend

Well first I will focus on the positives - I went running 4 times last week! Woohoo! So tomorrow I start week 3 of my couch-5km running plan. Can't wait, can really see a difference now, and feel a difference when running too.

Been rather naughty-ish with food over the weekend, nothing bad like KFC, or McDees, just lots of food - like last night before bed I had a toasted sandwich when I wasn't hungry, just a bit peckish, and at dinner had some garlic bread when I didn't really want it. So, all up not a bad blow out, but I could have been a bit more restrained :-)

So WI is tomorrow, hoping to be surprised and loose over 500grms, but not holding my breath. BUT even if I gain, I will stick with it, because I am feeling so good.

The renovating is underway again, all walls in the spare room are now stripped, and we have started stripping paint off the window sills. Found out it is rimu underneath, so very very happy. It's a beautiful looking wood for sure.

Onwards and downwards!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Reflections of the past few weeks

Had a great start to the day today, tried on some pants that I havn't fitted for ages, and they did up! They were a bit tight, but still ok :-) Great to see the changes in clothes, when the scales don't show what you feel.

Just realised today I havn't had junk food like McD's or KFC for about 4 weeks now? I haven't missed it AT ALL! Prob the first time on a weight loss programme I haven't craved it. Instead of craving fatty food like that I might crave a bit of cheese, or some chocolate. It totally amazes me how good my willpower has been this time around!

No exercise today, but I have been running/walking the past three days. I need to get back into it tomorrow if I have any hope of burning off some of the bad stuff from the weekend.

My goal this week is a loss of over 500grms. Little steps add up to big results :-)

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

A loss is a loss!

And I will happily take my loss this week! 400grms down, woohoo! Was so convinced I was going to gain after the weekend of binge eating.

Just realised that I have lost over a tub of margarine in fat. Ewwww! That's one of these things!!!

So, I really need to kick myself up the backside and make sure I stay on track super well this week to compensate for the weekend. Already I have done some good things, did my run training on Monday morning (before 6am even!) and got up this morning and jogged/walked with John. And for dinner had capsicum and tomato stuffed with my low fat mushroom risotto. I am onto it!

I tried on a black skirt I havn't worn since I started WW, it was getting pretty tight, now it feels much looser, which is a great motivator.

FiLi did well this week, she was the awesome lady that really made me feel better and motivated me to loose 1kg. Didn't quite get there, but almost! Nat and Essam1 from the boards are joining me for a challenge of 500grms this week. Not sure why, but it really does make me more motivated to do better when I know I am being challenged by someone.

Life is good :-) Feeling great.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Bad bad bad Cass!!

OOOOOHHHH i have been bad!!!! I ate so much crappy nibbly chippy things at the BBQ. It was like a kid in a candy store! I knew I shouldnt have had one bite... it turnned into a frenzy binge! But at least booze wise I was good, just the one bottle for the whole afternoon and evening.

Then today went to my nieces b-day..... chippie monster came alive again! Sausage rolls, corn chips, dip...... and to make things worse I had even made John stop on the way there so I could get subway so I wouldnt be templted to eat the bad food at the party....!

SOOOOOO...... the weekend from hell isn't over yet. We have dinner John's mums place tonight and they cook in so much fat and oil..... aaaaahh!

WI is tomorrow, so interested to see how this week has gone on the scales.

Ok... drink some more water, and some exercise first thing tomorrow morning for sure!!!

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Sunny Saturday

Thank god it's the weekend!!! Just about to head off to a friends BBQ, have packed some NC salads, lots of soda water, fruit and just one bottle of wine. Going to see if the bottle can last from 2pm through to 11pm!

John joined me for my run today - day 2 of week 1 training. He really ejoyed it, and man it's so much fun running with someone else!

Food wise I have been 95% good, last night was good, breakfast today was good too - just little things I am not counting when I should, like avo in salads, and marg on toast. I really need to crack down on tracking those things.

Anyway not much else to report, WI is Monday, don't think I have lost much weight, so will see. Feel lots healthier so that is good.

have a fab weekend :-)

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Cool Runnings

Not much to report today, was good with food yesterday, had a farewell to go to last night and stuck to just 2 wines... the old me would have had 5 or 6! eek. Felt rather toasted as a result of not drinking over the past few weeks, amazing what can happen to your body.

Started my 5km training today - was lots of fun, felt like a great work out. Felt strange stopping and starting, but half way through I began to LOVE the 90 second walks so I could get my breath back heehee!

I am so happy I haven't gone off the wagon this week after a disapointing gain on Monday. This is what it's all about I guess - sticking with the plan through thick and thin. People on the WW community boards and the few that read this blog and leave wonderful messages have been my saving grace this time around. Thanks guys :-)

Anyway that's all for today folks!