Thursday, November 09, 2006

Reflections of the past few weeks

Had a great start to the day today, tried on some pants that I havn't fitted for ages, and they did up! They were a bit tight, but still ok :-) Great to see the changes in clothes, when the scales don't show what you feel.

Just realised today I havn't had junk food like McD's or KFC for about 4 weeks now? I haven't missed it AT ALL! Prob the first time on a weight loss programme I haven't craved it. Instead of craving fatty food like that I might crave a bit of cheese, or some chocolate. It totally amazes me how good my willpower has been this time around!

No exercise today, but I have been running/walking the past three days. I need to get back into it tomorrow if I have any hope of burning off some of the bad stuff from the weekend.

My goal this week is a loss of over 500grms. Little steps add up to big results :-)


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