Sunday, November 12, 2006

So-so Weekend

Well first I will focus on the positives - I went running 4 times last week! Woohoo! So tomorrow I start week 3 of my couch-5km running plan. Can't wait, can really see a difference now, and feel a difference when running too.

Been rather naughty-ish with food over the weekend, nothing bad like KFC, or McDees, just lots of food - like last night before bed I had a toasted sandwich when I wasn't hungry, just a bit peckish, and at dinner had some garlic bread when I didn't really want it. So, all up not a bad blow out, but I could have been a bit more restrained :-)

So WI is tomorrow, hoping to be surprised and loose over 500grms, but not holding my breath. BUT even if I gain, I will stick with it, because I am feeling so good.

The renovating is underway again, all walls in the spare room are now stripped, and we have started stripping paint off the window sills. Found out it is rimu underneath, so very very happy. It's a beautiful looking wood for sure.

Onwards and downwards!


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