Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Quick update

Just a quick update today, got too much work to get done! Week one on WW has been awesome, really enjoying feeling healthy again. Can't believe how much crap I was eating and drinking, but hey it was the Xmas Holidays! What can ya do :-)

Started TaeKwanDo last night, it was lots and lots of fun - great work out! It was the kind of work out I have been thinking about employing a Personal Trainer to make me do - you know the sort, burpies, jumping jacks, sprinting etc. Then the kicking and punching made it even better! So that will be two nights a week, can't wait for the next one.

WI is tomorrow, feel a bit fluidy so not sure how much the scales will change. We shall see!

Ok that's all for now.....


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