Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Back on Track!

Ok Ok... after a few days of crazy eating and no exercising (I think we all need a blow out from time to time!) I am back on track!

Went shopping yesterday and stocked up on some yummy healthy NoCount food. Got through yesterday without vering off track, just a small treat of a Tropical Snow icecream (1 point) after a soak at the hot pools.

I didn't weigh in last night as I knew it was going to be a disaster, and I didn't want to give myself any excuse for blowing out. So I have given myself this week to loose the weight I must have gained after the week, so I will be really happy if I weigh in next Monday and I am the same weight as last monday :-) And if I loose weight, even better!

Onto the 4th week of Couch to 5k this week. A bit harder, but looking forward to it.

Last night I got home, didn't even bother turning on the TV. Put away the shopping, then straight outside to mow the lawns and weed the gardens. Felt great to do something around the house. Then cooked a BBQ for dinner, and we ate at the table with no TV on - just us :-) It was fantastic, we had a great converstation we prob wouldn't have had if the TV was on. Going to try and get through tonight without it again :-)

Ok onto a run at lunchtime!


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