Tuesday, November 07, 2006

A loss is a loss!

And I will happily take my loss this week! 400grms down, woohoo! Was so convinced I was going to gain after the weekend of binge eating.

Just realised that I have lost over a tub of margarine in fat. Ewwww! That's one of these things!!!

So, I really need to kick myself up the backside and make sure I stay on track super well this week to compensate for the weekend. Already I have done some good things, did my run training on Monday morning (before 6am even!) and got up this morning and jogged/walked with John. And for dinner had capsicum and tomato stuffed with my low fat mushroom risotto. I am onto it!

I tried on a black skirt I havn't worn since I started WW, it was getting pretty tight, now it feels much looser, which is a great motivator.

FiLi did well this week, she was the awesome lady that really made me feel better and motivated me to loose 1kg. Didn't quite get there, but almost! Nat and Essam1 from the boards are joining me for a challenge of 500grms this week. Not sure why, but it really does make me more motivated to do better when I know I am being challenged by someone.

Life is good :-) Feeling great.


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