Thursday, January 18, 2007

Exercise mad

I am proud of myself today! I got up and asked John to drop me off about 5km away from work so I could bike the rest - it was fun this morning, nice and cool, and I biked along Marine Parade so it was just stunning. Then at lunch time I joined two other gals from work and walked around the Mount. That was hard LOL. So I am still planning on biking back to my starting point and not getting John to come and pick me up direct from work! So that will be about 4.5 points I have earned today.

So yes I am back on Points, not NoCount/Core. Feels a bit strange having to work out points and track again, but I want to do it for the first few weeks and see how I go. I have a big weekend away coming up and I need to save as many points as possible so I can have a good time, not feel deprived, but not go over board either.

I have revaluated my goal weight as well. I have decided on 66kg, which is at the top of my weight range for WW. In the past I have picked 62kg or even 60kg. It's made it seems a bit unachievable in a way, so with changing to 66kg that means only 9.2kg to loose and I will become a Life Time Member :-) That way I can see how I look, and if I want to go to maybe 62kg. Can't imagine being in the 60's! It's been so long.

It really goes help having other people do the programme with you - just a bit of motivation and competition. And for once I don't have the most or the least to loose, I am right smack bang in the middle which is great.


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