Thursday, November 02, 2006

Cool Runnings

Not much to report today, was good with food yesterday, had a farewell to go to last night and stuck to just 2 wines... the old me would have had 5 or 6! eek. Felt rather toasted as a result of not drinking over the past few weeks, amazing what can happen to your body.

Started my 5km training today - was lots of fun, felt like a great work out. Felt strange stopping and starting, but half way through I began to LOVE the 90 second walks so I could get my breath back heehee!

I am so happy I haven't gone off the wagon this week after a disapointing gain on Monday. This is what it's all about I guess - sticking with the plan through thick and thin. People on the WW community boards and the few that read this blog and leave wonderful messages have been my saving grace this time around. Thanks guys :-)

Anyway that's all for today folks!


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