Saturday, November 04, 2006

Sunny Saturday

Thank god it's the weekend!!! Just about to head off to a friends BBQ, have packed some NC salads, lots of soda water, fruit and just one bottle of wine. Going to see if the bottle can last from 2pm through to 11pm!

John joined me for my run today - day 2 of week 1 training. He really ejoyed it, and man it's so much fun running with someone else!

Food wise I have been 95% good, last night was good, breakfast today was good too - just little things I am not counting when I should, like avo in salads, and marg on toast. I really need to crack down on tracking those things.

Anyway not much else to report, WI is Monday, don't think I have lost much weight, so will see. Feel lots healthier so that is good.

have a fab weekend :-)


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