Sunday, November 05, 2006

Bad bad bad Cass!!

OOOOOHHHH i have been bad!!!! I ate so much crappy nibbly chippy things at the BBQ. It was like a kid in a candy store! I knew I shouldnt have had one bite... it turnned into a frenzy binge! But at least booze wise I was good, just the one bottle for the whole afternoon and evening.

Then today went to my nieces b-day..... chippie monster came alive again! Sausage rolls, corn chips, dip...... and to make things worse I had even made John stop on the way there so I could get subway so I wouldnt be templted to eat the bad food at the party....!

SOOOOOO...... the weekend from hell isn't over yet. We have dinner John's mums place tonight and they cook in so much fat and oil..... aaaaahh!

WI is tomorrow, so interested to see how this week has gone on the scales.

Ok... drink some more water, and some exercise first thing tomorrow morning for sure!!!


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