Saturday, January 06, 2007

La de da

It's Saturday! Sunny weather, and I am stuck in bed feeling like crap on a stick (excuse the colourful language:-)

My body has rebelled finally to all the crap food and booze I have been shoving down my throat faster than anything. Huge ugly coldsores on my lip, dry flaky skin, headaches, sore throat and sniffling nose. So I am going to listen to my body now because this sucks LOL.

I am going back to meetings next week, which is also my first week back at work. I find I do so much better when I have a routine like work to keep me grounded. I did enjoy bunking off the past month or so, it was fun, but time to get serious again. Play time will come again one day!

I think Jenny and Jane are keen to head to meetings so that will be some motivation for me. My first goal is to loose two kg's by Pip and Browns wedding, on Waitangi weekend (Feb 3 I think...) so that is just on 4 weeks. I think this time at meetings I would like to follow their recipes, I think it is called Super Start? They give you three weeks of food guidance to kick start your weight loss. Well I have nothing to loose and everything to gain don't I?

Plan for today is either 20 laps in the pool or a bike ride or a run. Once I haul my ass out of bed LOL!


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