Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Grumpy Monster has come out to play....

and it ain't pretty!!!!!

Yep we all have shocker days at work hey. To make matters worse it's our big xmas party this Saturday and I am the chairperson of the committee so I am feeling a tad STRESSED this week, because it looks like rain, and part of our party is outside. Why why why. God, are you there? Please give us a break and send down some sunny rays!

Had a kinda shocker food wise... well the good thing is now when I talk about shockers it is a bit of cheese on bread, or another glass of wine.. not like the old days when a shocker was 2 steak and cheese pies, a bag of corn chips and the rest! Got home yesterday after a horrible afternoon at work, and stopped off at the store and got a bottle of wine, and had 4 glasses. I tell ya what I regret it, because I felt really sick.. .like my body just didn't handle the alcohol. Then because I was tiddly I had two cheese buns with marg and extra cheese inside. Ahhh.

It was raining this morning so I didn't go for a run, but left work today feeling sick and tried running this afternoon to see if it would make me feel better. Man it wiped me out! I still feel a bit yucky.

Anyway enough ranting and moaning. I think I am going to use my no weigh pass next Monday, just to give me a break emotionally after this big week. I really really want to get to my first goal of 2kg, so running most days I think is a good way to get there. It seemed to help out last week? 700 grms was a surprise for me considering how I was eating and drinking.

Man am I crazy or what for starting back at WW just before the Xmas holidays! LOL>


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