Thursday, February 01, 2007

First mini-Goal Achieved!

Woooooooooohooooooooo! I made my first min-goal on WW last night!

Lost 1.8kg, so my first min-goal of 2kg has been struck off the list yeeeha :-)

Feel on cloud nine today........ so much so I have to get back to do some work so that is all from me today.

Monday, January 29, 2007


Monday morning here in NZ - it's a public holiday too yah! Had a nice and relaxing long weekend, lots of swimming, sun, reading. Bliss :-)

Been relativley good WW wise as well, only a few drinks, no high-point snacks, lots of water and some medium exercise. Got session 2 of TaeKwondo tonight aaah! Feel a bit nervy, but excited as well.

Lost 600grms last week, aiming for the same this week. Be great to get over the 1kg mark. Already feel lighter, and someone asked today if I had lost weight. Always a nice feeling when someone asks that eh :-)

Ok back to enjoying my day off.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Quick update

Just a quick update today, got too much work to get done! Week one on WW has been awesome, really enjoying feeling healthy again. Can't believe how much crap I was eating and drinking, but hey it was the Xmas Holidays! What can ya do :-)

Started TaeKwanDo last night, it was lots and lots of fun - great work out! It was the kind of work out I have been thinking about employing a Personal Trainer to make me do - you know the sort, burpies, jumping jacks, sprinting etc. Then the kicking and punching made it even better! So that will be two nights a week, can't wait for the next one.

WI is tomorrow, feel a bit fluidy so not sure how much the scales will change. We shall see!

Ok that's all for now.....

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Exercise mad

I am proud of myself today! I got up and asked John to drop me off about 5km away from work so I could bike the rest - it was fun this morning, nice and cool, and I biked along Marine Parade so it was just stunning. Then at lunch time I joined two other gals from work and walked around the Mount. That was hard LOL. So I am still planning on biking back to my starting point and not getting John to come and pick me up direct from work! So that will be about 4.5 points I have earned today.

So yes I am back on Points, not NoCount/Core. Feels a bit strange having to work out points and track again, but I want to do it for the first few weeks and see how I go. I have a big weekend away coming up and I need to save as many points as possible so I can have a good time, not feel deprived, but not go over board either.

I have revaluated my goal weight as well. I have decided on 66kg, which is at the top of my weight range for WW. In the past I have picked 62kg or even 60kg. It's made it seems a bit unachievable in a way, so with changing to 66kg that means only 9.2kg to loose and I will become a Life Time Member :-) That way I can see how I look, and if I want to go to maybe 62kg. Can't imagine being in the 60's! It's been so long.

It really goes help having other people do the programme with you - just a bit of motivation and competition. And for once I don't have the most or the least to loose, I am right smack bang in the middle which is great.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

La de da

It's Saturday! Sunny weather, and I am stuck in bed feeling like crap on a stick (excuse the colourful language:-)

My body has rebelled finally to all the crap food and booze I have been shoving down my throat faster than anything. Huge ugly coldsores on my lip, dry flaky skin, headaches, sore throat and sniffling nose. So I am going to listen to my body now because this sucks LOL.

I am going back to meetings next week, which is also my first week back at work. I find I do so much better when I have a routine like work to keep me grounded. I did enjoy bunking off the past month or so, it was fun, but time to get serious again. Play time will come again one day!

I think Jenny and Jane are keen to head to meetings so that will be some motivation for me. My first goal is to loose two kg's by Pip and Browns wedding, on Waitangi weekend (Feb 3 I think...) so that is just on 4 weeks. I think this time at meetings I would like to follow their recipes, I think it is called Super Start? They give you three weeks of food guidance to kick start your weight loss. Well I have nothing to loose and everything to gain don't I?

Plan for today is either 20 laps in the pool or a bike ride or a run. Once I haul my ass out of bed LOL!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

'Allo 2007!

Hoooooley moley I have had one big month of pigging out! I feel like CRAP as well, but pretty much at the stage where I am ready to get back onto sorting my weight and health out - over eating so much food and chips, booze, chocolate. I am craving fruit and vegies which is great!

LOL wonder how many other people in the world are feeling this way and making their 2007 resolution to loose weight heehee :-)

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Raid on the fortress of the flab...

I love that title! Some awesome girls on the WW boards started up this group. I was reminded of it today when I nearly gave up on the tread mill with only 8 minutes to go. I hung in there, and completed two days in a row at the gym, and it's only Tuesday yeeeha!

Sun is shinning today, might even get out at lunchtime for a quick walk :-)