Thursday, October 26, 2006

Kia Ora from Windy Wellington

Well so far so good - just one small slip up last night, scoffing a bag full of cheese corn chips from the mini-bar after dinner. But I hauled myself to the gym after today's conference and did a pretty solid workout. I was really good with breakfast and lunch, making wise choices. Just where did this voice of reason come from! What has made it come out, was it there all along?

John arrives tomorrow, so this weekend is going to be heaps of fun. Just have to remember to eat and drink sensible, and treat myself at the same time - but with low-point treats.

Today's conference was awesome! It's on internal communications. The line up of speakers were top class, and have a head full of ideas to turn into plans. At least hammering away on the laptop tonight will keep me occupied :-)

Hope everyone elses week is going great!


At 12:52 PM, Blogger Leighanne said...

Lovely view!!


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