Tuesday, October 31, 2006

It's been a good day

Feeling heaps better today - had a yummy healthy breakfast in bed (day off work today), did a WW exercise DVD, mowed the back and front lawns and had a yummy WW lunch. Feeling lots better, got some really great advice from the WW community boards to boost my mood.

I checked out a website someone on the WW community boards suggested, it's about training to run 5km. It's based over 2 months, and takes it in nice easy baby steps. The website is http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml. I am going to start this week :-)

A lady from the community boards FiLi has challenged me to a race to loose 1kg this week, so that's really fun having someone you know is working with you to help you loose.

Anyway enough ramblings! I am going to start posting what I am eating, just for a week, so I can track what I ate to see if it has any major bearing on any loss/gains.



At 12:03 PM, Blogger Leighanne said...

The running sounds like a great idea - I have done a little jogging while out with the dog and can only last a few seconds at a time (then it takes me 15 mins to start breathing properly again...lol)


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