Saturday, October 28, 2006

My first hangover in a while.....

Golly gosh - funny how sensible eating gets chucked out the window once you've had a few drinks!

Had such a great time last night, John arrived safely, went for a few drinks with some conference delegates and had some pretty awesome discussions on internal comms. They had some of their mates with them, and they were soooo funny! Ended up spending the whole night with them, they took us around the city and we went to some funky bars. BUT for dinner... lol.... well I prob ate my 21 points along with another 21, and another 21! It was the BEST mexican food I have had ever. SO, have woken up with a sore head, and bloated tummy today. Craving some fruit... or worse yet bacon and eggs LOL.

So I will hit the gym prob this afternoon to atone for my sins. Not looking foward to WI on Monday now!!! :o)

Hope everyone elses weekend is going great so far!


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