Sunday, October 29, 2006

The night before weigh in freaky-itis

Yup...... I am freaking about WI tomorrow night! Why? Ummm.... I ate like the old Cass today BIG TIME. Greasy breakfast, corn chips and wine, ice-cream. Oooopsie!

BUT, today aside, I am proud of the little victories I made while being away. It could have been much much worse. I went to the gym 4 times, and did heaps of walking around the city. And I am determined to start tomorrow with an awesome, positive attitude.

I feel lots lots better about being back home, and in control of my food. I really missed being able to cook for myself, eating out on NoCount its bloomin hard for sure!

So, WI tomorrow night. Back to Monday's, so this weigh week is a day short. If I can loose 600 grms, and make my first goal of 2kg I will be over the moon. If not 600grms, and only 100 grms, a loss is a loss, and I will take it in with a big grin. I am feeling great, healthier, more energised. And that's the most important thing.

Watching NZ Idol final... first time watching the programme. It's rainy, cold and miserable outside. Inside with the gas heater cranked up and our cats snoozing away. Reminds me of winter!

Hope everyone had an awesome weekend, and good luck for this week :-)


At 12:02 PM, Blogger Leighanne said...

Good luck with weigh in:)


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