Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Woohoo! My first loss

What a great night I had! I lost 1.4kg at my first weigh in on NoCount. Very very happy with that result.

It was quite funny, my first thought was ooohhh I can treat myself! What will I have? Fish and Chips? Pizza? But thoughts quickly turnned to I will have pasta, and treat myself with some lite bacon and parmesan cheese. How funny is that - my treats are now food I would normally have had everyday in the past!

Off to Wellington today, so I have to have my wits about me as a lot of frankeinsten foods and drinks are going to be coming at me at all angles. I have packed some apples in my suit case so I have a heathly snack in my hotel room on hand. I land at 3pm-ish so I plan to hit the Hotel gym for a good work out this afternoon before heading to the conference.

:-) Cass


At 9:54 AM, Blogger Belle said...

Well done! 1.4kg is a great loss :)
It is nice that you rewarded yourself with healthier foods. I hope you have good time in Wellington and stay on track, it sounds like you will.

xx Nikelle

At 5:13 PM, Blogger Cass Thurston said...

Thanks matey! Trying to have my wits about me for sure. Only one small slip up so far, but two work outs at the gym has atoned for that I hope :-)

At 12:51 PM, Blogger Leighanne said...

Great Loss:)


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