Monday, October 23, 2006

Rainy Monday-itis

Yay! I always smile when I look at this picture. It's taken in the Malbourough Sounds, down in Nelson. Beautiful sunny day. But very different here today!Sigh - typical NZ weather. It's labour day, and yep, it's raining! But had a great sleep in, hauled the laptop into bed and cruised around the WW message boards for some inspiration. Haven't got up to much today, no exercise (yet!), but food wise it's been a good day. So interesting why NoCount has had such a great impact on me emotionally with food! I just don't want junk food, I am craving fruit which is just so weird for me. Hey, what am I saying.. it's a good thing! Go with it!

Monday's are normally weight in day for me, but the meetings are closed for public holiday. So I am doing WI tomorrow at Papamoa after work. I can't wait to see what change I have made to the scale. I do feel lighter, especially around the waist area, and that's great to see in one week :-)

This week could be a challenge, but I am determined not to let it be one. I am off to Wellington on Wednesday, and get back on Sunday. So that normally would be a binge and a half! Hotel food, booze, nibbles, partying. But not now. My normal now will be fresh food, only an odd wine here or there, and plenty of fresh air and excersie! In the past when I get to go away for work or on holiday I get this mentality that "oh my god it could be last time doing this so I should eat what I want and drink what I want!" But, hey, I will still be going away on holiday, for work in the future so I should stop letting it be an excuse to binge and slob around! It's only my second week in WW, so I want to make sure I keep the momentum going.

Thinking about what exercise I can do this afternoon while it's raining. I could walk down to the supermarket to get some stuff I need, or do an exercise DVD. Hmmm.... something will inspire me no doubt.

So enough rambling from me. Time to enjoy the rest of this holiday!


At 12:44 PM, Blogger Leighanne said...

Hope weigh in goes well:)

You sound like you are fully prepared for next week:)

At 2:47 PM, Blogger Cass Thurston said...

Thanks for that! Happy Birthday too, sounds like you had a fab time indeed!!!!!


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