Friday, October 20, 2006

Hit a bit of a pre-slump

Yes I think a slump is on it's way... so trying really hard to combat it. First I need to look at why I am feeling this way.

Wednesday I planned to do a gym work out or walk, but ended up just kicking a few balls around the park with John. Still some exercise but not a huge lot. Then yesterday I was lazy and didn't go for a walk or the gym. But it was still a good day for a few reasons, for lunch I went to one of my fav cafes where I used to get fatty filo wraps or chocolates, but this time I got the healthiest thing there which was a mederteranian penne pasta - the most fatty thing in it was the feta, and instead of getting an OJ or fizzy drink I got a green tea. Sat outside in the sun while eating and read a magazine. Felt great for making the right choice.

Then to celebrate John passing his exam I suggested we went out for a bite to eat. Now normally that would be Burger King or Wendys LOL, but I managed to get him to fancy some sushi so we went to a local sushi bar. And what's even better normally with sushi I would get deep everything, but I tried the vegie rolls and some chicken ones and it was great. Was a bit hungry later on in the evening, so had a couple of boiled eggs and toast.

So I am keen to get to the gym today, normally on a Friday some of us work girls head out for lunch and a glass of wine, but am not going to do that today, maybe just a drink after work (and lite beer or soda water with gin!)

We have labour weekend starting tomorrow, so that's going to be a huge test for me! I am happy as I will breeze through ok :-)


At 3:49 PM, Blogger Leighanne said...

You know you are getting in a slump - so now is the time to act...very hard I know:)

You did great with your food yesterday...doesn't it feel great when you know you have made great choices:)

Hope you have a great weekend:)

At 9:10 PM, Blogger Cass Thurston said...

Thanks mate :-) Feeling a bit down in the dumps tonight,just want to eat everything in sight! So have been reading lots on the WW community boards, and early tomorrow morning I will get out and get some air and exercise. It's not easy some days hey?

Hope you have a great weekend too!


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