Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Yay! No nasty emails!

The power of this blog is an un-tapped force.... as soon as I posted yesterday if I didn't got the gym I would be angry at myself voila! I left work a bit early and raced down to the gym and did a full work out. See... acountability works miracles with me!

Really good on the food front last night. Got home, didn't snack on crap as per norm, had a yummy dinner of small piece of steak done on the BBQ, chilli mashed potatoes and my fav salad. No wine or beer with it, and I ate it in our sunny conservatory away from the TV and just relaxed. I took my time eating, I did the half-time test and found that I was full, so had food left on my plate once I hit the comfortable zone on NoCount.. think it's 3 or 4? Felt a bit stuffed, but not bad.

Then last night I was bored so I was 'craving snacks'. I realised that I was hungry, it was just the habit of eating something when I was bored. So happy I can recognise this now. So I went to bed a bit perplexed, but woke up this morning quite hungry so I had a hot breakfast which hit the sport. Glad to know I went to bed without stuffing myself and knowing that the crap food was sitting in my tummy not being burnned up. I ate dinner at 5.45pm so that's over 13 hours without food, which I guess is how it should be?

Today is my optional exercise day, so I have asked John if he will head down to the cricket nets and have a play around with bat and ball. He's keen, so I thought that was a great way to sneak some exercise in.

Lovley sunny day - feeling great! Can' wait for weight in next week!

"The thing to try when all else fails is AGAIN!":-)


At 2:51 PM, Blogger Leighanne said...

Great to hear you still made time to get to the gym!!
You are going great with your eating:)

At 8:59 PM, Blogger Cass Thurston said...

Holey crap can't believe someone read my blog LOL :-) Thank you for your kind words! Yes very proud I hauled my butt to the gym after all!

At 2:09 AM, Blogger Leighanne said...

Thanks for leaving me a comment:)
Hope you had another great day:)


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