Monday, October 16, 2006

First Weight In

Yeeaha went to my first WW meeting today. I was determined to go the new members table and pretend like I had not been before so I got the full run down from the start (especially since the plan has changed so much!) but I gave in! It was still a good briefing. But is it just me or has WW become a sales sales sales push or what? I was asked twice if I wanted to purchase packs or pay fees in advance, or buy magazines... hmmm...

Anyway, my starting weight is 75.5kg. Man, I managed to stack on 3.5kg along the way! Can't wait to shift it for sure. I have decided to try No Count for the first week, see how it goes. I am on day two of NC, it's going ok. Still sick with this cold so not sure if that is what is curbing my hunger pains or if I am in a different mind set. Either way, its great!

I found it hard when my Leader asked me what my goal weight was - pretty hard thing to ask on your first day at WW? The closets I ever got to goal was 69kg... down from 83kg. I was pretty happy with how I looked. So I think I will cut this weight loss into chunks.. start with 2kg goal, 5kg, 10% etc. Monitor how I feel along the way. Maybe 60kg will be too light? But hey! Can't wait to find out!!!!

I have been cruising the WW message boards the past 3 days while at home crashed on the couch. Great inspiration there for sure! One lady from Australia has started up a 10kg challenge - loose 10kg by 1 Jan, 2007. Over 140 ladies have joined up, and we are split into teams. I am on team PHAT STOMPERS. Love the name! The organiser has even put up prizes and started a blog to get people started if you have time check it out. Great way to kick start any weight loss programme.

Over the past few attempts at WW one of the reasons I think I loose interest is the leader. My god some of the WW leaders are crap arn't they? Mabye it's just me. I was lucky to really click with my first leader.... she was great. The leader I had today seemed pretty on to it. And she has managed to stay at goal too.. nothing worse than a leader who is over goal, moaning and complaining and saying it's all too hard. Seriously! My old leader was like that. Rather depressing and not very motivating hey :-) I went to a day meeting as I was off work sick, so not sure who my normal Leader will be at the evening meetings. Might pay off mixing and matching? And at the end of the day I only get out what I put in. Dam straight.

OMG I have got to stop watching Food TV! Had it on TV pretty much non-stop over the past 4 days while I have been home sick. Getting some great ideas, but oooohhh I get hungry!

Going to try a lemon-mustard chicken recipe tonight.. yum. That's the best thing about WW I reackon.. getting to try all these new foods I wouldn't have dreamed of eating before!

"If it's to be, it's up to me!" Peace out :-)


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