Sunday, October 15, 2006

First Day Complete!

This picture always makes me smile - we got married at the Shangri-La in Fiji in September this year. We had such a great time!

It's now Sunday, and I have completed Day One of my new eating plan. I went on a power health shop yesterday at New World - lots of heatlhy low fat food. I always seem to feel more motivated once I have done some planning like this - I cleaned out the fridge of all the crap food we had, and wrote a shopping list full of healthly nutritious food.
For breakfast I had my fav brekkie fried egg sandwich - sounds fatty, but it's not :-) It's 2 bit of grain toast, friend egg (not fried in oil, just non stick pan) lettuce, tomatoe and a bit of grated cheese. It's yum! Very filling too. I think on the points plan it's about 4 points. Pretty good for a hot breakfast. Morning tea was one ZESPRI GOLD Kiwifruit (not normaly a fan of it, but I work for ZESPRI and get the fruit for free! It's really good for you, and as I am sick at the moment the extra vitamins will help). For lunch I had cold cooked pene pasta with lemon pepper tuna, cherry tomoatoes, spring onions and a bit of mayo to pull it together. It's a yummy pasta salad full of the good stuff like omega-3 in the tuna, and vitamins in the tomatoes and spring onions.
For a snack in the afternoon I had some carrots and celery sticks - I bought huge bunches of them in the shopping and spent about 1/2 hour cutting them all up and putting them into containers in the fridge so I have a snack on hand. I am planning on bringing them to work as well.
For dinner I got a great recipe from the WW community message boards - I marinated a small chicken breast in soy sauce, garlic, honey, and a bit of brown sugar. I grilled that with some limes, served with a salad and roasted chilli potatoes, red onion, kumera and capsicum. It tasted great, and even John ate it!
So I felt pretty good that I got through the first day without blobbing out on crap food. For breakfast today I had Special K with some mixed berries. Reminds me of how I used to eat when I was first on WW! Good feeling :-)

Another good thing is that since I have been sick I havn't touched any wine or beer for 3 days now! I have acknowledged that that was always going to be my downfall - love a glass of wine or three after work too much! The booze is really reeking havoc with my weight and I need to knock it on the head.

My exercise plan starts today - first up is a 2km walk. Looking forward to it :-)

I think something had finally clicked in the last few days - we should eat to nourish our bodies, not comfort our moods. It really does make sense!


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