Saturday, October 14, 2006

My first posting - time to get honest with myself

You know the feeling you get when all of a sudden your normally comfy jeans feel like they are strangling your butt cheeks? Well that's me at the moment. Where the heck did this fat come from? Yeah sure I've had a few 'treats'...maybe a couple more beers than normal.... oh yeah then there was the new Moro Golds I was trying.... ah heck who am I kiddng? I know EXACTLEY where the muffin pants have come from! Me! My relentless theory I can ease my moods with food and booze!

Well Mrs T....... it's time to get honest with yourself!

If you are a fan of Tony Robbins tapes you may know the advice he gives when you need to find out if you are serious about loosing weight... he says 'get disturbed! - look in the mirror.. if you hate what you see, do something about it!" Yep, I'm mega disturbed right now. Sitting on the couch on a windy Saturday still in my PJ's, sniffly nose, spots on my face (a result of pigging out over the past few weeks) and mascara still smudged from the night before. Man what a pretty sight! But I am making my first move to doing something about my muffin pants and strangled cheek butts. I am starting this blog to keep myself honest. Even if no one reads it, it's a way for me to keep motivated, keep writting, keep loosing the weight.

I am also heading back to WW on Monday. Yeah yeah, I know.... been there done that 4 times now. My first time at WW I lost 13kg - man that was some awesome times! I loved the programme, loved my leader, loved myself. But then I made excuses. My leader passed away, I didn't like my new leader, I was kinda comfortable how I looked, even thought I hadn't reached my goal by a long shot - I thought I could do it on my own.... and save money at the same time! But, ah, no. It doesn't work that way. I need to be held accountable for my actions, and only having myself to explain why I gained 300grms that week just wasn't working.

SO - been reading up on the No Count plan... sounds great! I was never one for tracking points, I cheated, I forgot, I gained weight. So this way sounds more like me....... three meals a day, no starving, no banking and withdrawing points left right and centre.

I've also joined a 10kg new years challenge on the WW message boards... starts on Monday, which is also my first weigh in.

So - here we go! Let's give this one more try...... I really miss feeling how I did when I lost my first kg, 5kg, 10kg..... the smile on my face, how proud I was, and my boyfriend (now husband) was of me..... I want it all again!

Watch out WW... I'm back!

peace and love
Cass :-)


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