Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Raid on the fortress of the flab...

I love that title! Some awesome girls on the WW boards started up this group. I was reminded of it today when I nearly gave up on the tread mill with only 8 minutes to go. I hung in there, and completed two days in a row at the gym, and it's only Tuesday yeeeha!

Sun is shinning today, might even get out at lunchtime for a quick walk :-)

Monday, December 04, 2006

Yah! Back into it!

Finally got a run under my belt today! Have decided to start week 4 of couch-5km again, so I ran/walked for 30 minutes, did a set of squats, skipped for a few minutes, did some lunges then my ab work out. Feel heaps better, my legs are a bit jelly thou lol.

That's all for now - will post again soon :-)

Friday, December 01, 2006

In limbo

Yup in limbo for sure at the moment.... haven't been to a meeting for a few weeks now, so am thinking of starting back up meetings in January after Xmas. Not sure if that will work for me or not?

Feels like my weight has come back on - which is so disapointing! Haven't been for a run for a week now either so that is my first plan of attack, hitting the pavements on the weekend. I would like to get at least 2 runs under my belt before Monday.

Well that is all for now - time to get over this hump!